Thursday, August 29, 2013


So I have been slowly changing everything over to WordPress. Honestly, I just like the layout a little better and I think it has more to offer than Blogger. I will still keep this blog up for the time being, but I am going to eventually get rid of my BlogSpot blog and just use my WordPress. You can visit me here, ! Hope to see you there!

Timepiece by Myra McEntire

Title: Timepiece
Author: Myra McEntire
Pub. Date: June 12, 2012
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Sorry for being so late with this review, but I have been busy. But enough about me. Let me dive into this review saying that I absolutely love the Hourglass books. Timepiece is of no exception. I am going to do an overview of what I thought were the most interesting points, and then give my opinion. Enjoy.

First off, Timepiece is told in Kaleb's point of view instead of Emerson's. Which by the way, at first I was totally disliking, but in the end found that I enjoyed his POV much more than Emerson's. Anyways, starts off with Kaleb being drunk off his ass at the masquerade party dressed as a pirate trying to hook up with Miss Kitty. Then in the middle of it all, he and Em start seeing rips (which are the ripples in the time continuum) of the past. Within this time, a crazy man (Jack Landers) appears out of nowhere holding a gun and a pocket watch. Of course Kaleb wants him dead for the murder of his father (which he is alive in this book) and the fact that he took all of his mother's memories away and it is making her borderline crazy. But, Landers says that killing him would be a huge mistake. So, my thoughts on that were "Are they related?", "Do they have counteracting powers?", "If Jack doesn't exist, does that mean Kaleb may have not met Em?"etc., etc., all these different theories.

Let's jump on ahead in this wondrous read to Lily. I love Lily. She's feisty, witty, and perfect for Kaleb. Oh and she can find stuff just by touching a map. And she can see rips too. where oh where did we ever find Lily? I don't care. I like her. She is introduced as Em's friend. And also Miss Kitty who Kaleb had tried hooking up with the night before. Turns out, they need Lily in finding Jack before Em, or anybody else in Kaleb's life, is turned into a memory-less zombie...or dead. Lily can do it right? Wrong. Not just yet. Jack is a very sneaky bastard and he knows what he needs to do so he won't be found. While trying to find Jack, Kaleb and Lily instead hide in a closet where they overhear a conversation on The Infinityglass. (Insert Ooh's and Aah's here.)

Moving a few more chapters forward, we are in what we think is normal Ivy Springs, but it is practically abandoned. And none of the fall décor that is usually there is up. Oh and it's on fire. (Almost forgot to mention, this is after Lily and Kaleb hook up. I was super happy when that finally happened. I swear their sexual energy was making MY electricity flicker.) So what does Em decide to do? Go into the burning building. Michael couldn't stop her, so he went with her. New meaning to this Girl is on Fire. It wasn't until a few moments later that Kaleb realized it was one big rip. Of the future.Sshortly after this sudden realization, he finds Jack, tackles him and BOOM! The scene disappears and Kaleb and Lily are back in Ivy Springs as they know it. But where did Michael and Em go? Well, in the end they come back. Them and there new acquaintance, once bad man, Poe. He has one message, "...Landers. Chronos. Together...mistake. Huge mistake." and then collapses. Not sure if he's dead but he collapsed.
So, my thoughts. It was just as awesome (maybe even better) than Hourglass. The only thing I didn't like was how Em and Michael just popped back in the end. I mean I was happy they were back but it just seemed kind of rushed at the last part. Overall, though, I thought it was brilliant and original! Kaleb's POV was refreshing because honestly, I am not that big of a fan of Emerson. I think she's whiny and all woe-is-me like. I am ready to get my hands on Infinityglass. I don't want to see the end of it, but I need to know what happens next.

Mrs. Lacey

For more information on this book or author, please visit this page.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


So you may (or may not) have noticed the changes that I have made on my blog. I'm trying my hardest to create a better, more attractive blog design. I am also trying to put up more blogs more often. As of right now I don't have many followers. I need that to change. So if anyone has any suggestions on what I could possibly do to have a more popular page, please let me know. You can leave me a comment on this post or e-mail me at I can take criticism. But any rude comments will just get you blocked. Fair and simple.

Mrs. Lacey

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Telling by Mike Duran

    The Telling by Mike Duran is............AMAZING!! Not to get too "OMG I LUV IT!" but I do. I love it!! I was amazed at how amazing this book was. I am not going to lie, it was a random pick up at the library and after two chapters, I fell in love. I only paid attention to this book for three days. My husband could not believe how much I was enjoying this book. I think he even got jealous...anyways, the synopsis of The Telling:

    A prophet never loses his calling, only his way. Disfigured with a hideous scar from his stepmother, Zeph Walker lives his life in seclusion, cloistering himself in a ramshackle bookstore on the outskirts of town. But Zeph is also blessed with a gift—an uncanny ability to foresee the future, to know peoples’ deepest sins and secrets. He calls it the Telling, but he has abandoned this gift to a life of solitude, unbelief, and despair—until two detectives escort him to the county morgue where he finds his own body lying on the gurney. On the northern fringes of Death Valley, the city of Endurance is home to llama ranches, abandoned mines, roadside attractions...and the mythical ninth gate of hell. Now, forced to investigate his own murder, Zeph discovers something even more insidious behind the urban legends and small-town eccentricities. Early miners unearthed a megalitha sacred site where spiritual and physical forces converge and where an ancient subterranean presence broods. And only Zeph can stop it. But the scar on Zeph’s face is nothing compared to the wound on his soul. For not only has he abandoned his gift and renounced heaven, but it was his own silence that spawned the evil. Can he overcome his own despair in time to seal the ninth gate of hell?   His words unlocked something deadly,  And now the silence is killing them.

    Eh, what did I say?! Even the summary of The Telling intrigues me. Like I said, I have never heard of the book or even the author until I picked this up. The writing was great and the book overall (as stated earlier) was amazing. Do I recommend this book? YES!! If you have eyes, and can read, (and don't mind being a little terrified) then read  The Telling by Mike Duran and I promise you will not be let down. Granted, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but mine is that this is great. Thank you, Mr. Duran.

Mrs. Lacey

For more information on this book or author, please visit here.

Sinner by Ted Dekker


     Let me start off this review with saying that I AM a fan of Ted Dekker, and that all of my reviews of his books that may come across as negative, has nothing to do with the author himself. Ok, so here's the summary of Sinner:

     Marsuvees Black is an evil force who speaks of a wicked persuasion that is a whole lot more destructive than swords or guns.  BEWARE ALL WHO STAND IN HIS WAY.
    Sinner is also the story of Billy Rediger and Darcy Lange who are two unsuspecting survivors of a terrible research project gone bad. Billy and Darcy soon discover that they may be the most powerful souls in the land.  LISTEN TO THEM OR PAY A TERRIBLE PRICE.
    Last, but not least, Johnny Drake, the man who leads the 3,000. FOLLOW HIM AND DIE.
    Sinner tells the story of a free land where people who worship as they please and say what they believe are suddenly silenced in the name of tolerance.

***Sinner, to me, was actually an okay book. Is it the greatest ever? No. Is it the worst? No. Is it a story that in some ways scare me? Yes. Ted Dekker is an excellent author and has a way with making me worry about what the future may hold for Christians and any other person with religious views. I love how Dekker always does the whole 'Good vs. Evil' thing. And in all honesty, I believe Sinner is the best one so far. I will admit, however, that there were some times in the book where I got bored. Overall, Sinner was a good book and I do recommend it to any Ted Dekker fans or to anyone just becoming interested in his books.

Mrs. Lacey

For more information on this book or the author, please click here

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back Online!

Alright, so the good news is that I am officially back online and will be starting to post more reviews and such on my blog! The bad news is that I have so many to do and not very much time throughout the weekday as I do have to go to work. But, hopefully, now that I am up and running again, I will be able to post more during the week and Saturdays. (Sundays are reserved for my hubby and family, sorry!!) So just a heads up, my next reviews are going to be on Sinner by Ted Dekker and The Telling by Mike Duran. Also, if anyone is interested, the current books I am reading are Timepiece by Myra McEntire and Spellbound by Rachel Hawkins. I am a huge fan of both authors and I look forward to posting about these when I'm finished reading them! So I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday and I will blog you later!

Mrs. Lacey

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's Been Awhile...

I know it has been awhile since my last blog post. I have many books to write reviews on and much more to blog period. But unfortunately my Internet has been down so I am forced to use my cell phone as my only point of access to my blog. It is hard enough as it is to write this with my phone let alone a review. So I am going to apologize right now for any typos that I may have missed. I should be back on sometime next week. But, until then, be patient. Thank you to everyone who is supporting me and feel free to contact me at I'll respond as soon as possible. :) ♥

Mrs. Lacey

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

     Aibileen is a black maid of Jackson, Mississippi in 1962. While normally taking orders quietly, she has lately been dealing with a bitterness that she can no longer bite back. Minny, on the other hand, has never had a problem with being blunt. However, working for a newcomer with secrets has been leaving her speechless. Skeeter, a white socialite, returns from college expecting to find solace in the beloved maid, Constantine, who raised her. But to Skeeter's surprise, Constantine has disappeared.
     These three women join together to write a tell all book about what it's like to be a black maid working for the white homes of the South. Despite the risks and sometimes humorous boundaries, these women unite with the intention to build hope for a better day.

     This debut from Kathryn Stockett is an incredible read. The Help is a beautiful, but heartbreaking story of three brave women who set out to show the world what it is like to be a black maid in white homes. The Help made me laugh, cry, and have more respect for the world we live in today.

Mrs. Lacey

AIBILEEN: "I been in some tense situations, but to have Minny on one side a my living room and Miss Skeeter on the other, and the topic at hand be what it feel like being Negro and working for a white woman. Law, it's a wonder they hadn't been an injury."